About me
Hi! I am a Ph.D. candidate at Universidad de Zaragoza in Spain, working at the Graphics and Imaging Lab and part of the PRIME ITN. I recently submitted my Ph.D. thesis, “Perception, Editing, and Modeling of Volumetric Media.” While awaiting the dates for my defense, I am actively seeking job opportunities. My research focuses on advancing the representation of volumetric materials—such as skin, cosmetics, and feathers—from both mathematical and perceptual perspectives. My work has been supervised by Prof. Adrian Jarabo and Prof. Belen Masia. I obtained my master’s degree from Univerzita Karlova in Prague, Czech Republic. During my master thesis, I experimented with fluid simulation and terrain erosion, under the supervision of Prof. Alexander Wilkie. Prior to that experience, I took my bachelor’s degree at Politecnico di Torino in Italy. My non-academic interests include drawing with pen and pencils, climbing and reading (possibly something not technical).
You can download my CV here.
- [07/2024]: Good news! Our work “A Surface-based Appearance Model for Pennaceous Feathers” has been accepted at the Computer Graphics Forum and will be presented at Pacific Graphics 2024 in Huangshan (PG 2024)! Do you want to know more about feathers and how to efficiently reproduce them using a texture? Then check our project page.
- [06/2024]: Good news! Our work “Practical Appearance Model for Foundation Cosmetics “ has been accepted at the Computer Graphics Forum and will be presented at EGSR 2024 in London (EGSR 2024)! Wanna know how to reproduce foundation cosmetics? Then check our project page.
- [02/2024]: Our work “Navigating the Manifold of Translucent Appearance “ has been finally accepted at the Computer Graphics Forum and will be presented at Eurographics at Cyprus (EG 2024)! Always found annoying edit translucent materials? Then check our project page.
- [09/2022]: Our work “On the Influence of Dynamic Illumination in the Perception of Translucency” has been accepted and will presented at Symposium on Applied Perception (SAP’22)! Check our project page.
- [08/2022]: Our poster at SIGGRAPH “On the Influence of Dynamic Illumination in the Perception of Translucency” won the third place in the SRC Graduate Student competition!
- [05/2022]: Our work “On the Influence of Dynamic Illumination in the Perception of Translucency” has been accepted as a poster to SIGGRAPH 2022! Check our project page.